admission to

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admission to

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:44:17
  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. Some tourist attractions are also reportedly raising cable car admission prices in order to increase revenue.

2. There were similarities when it came to medical care and admission to college.

3. Cardinal Joseph Zen has come under fire after his admission on Wednesday that he provided financial support to the " underground church " on the mainland.

4. Western countries have a classification system that allows adults to watch movies with sexually explicit scenes and denies admission to minors.

5. He had to stop it on the road, waiting for admission.

6. Receiving the admission notice was a great joy for Yu, but she had yet to conquer another obstacle.

7. The admission sparked cabinet resignations and defections from key allies who all called on her to step down as her popularity rating dropped.

8. The admission sparked cabinet resignations and defections from key allies who called on her to step down as her popularity rating dropped.

9. His open admission about North Korea's nuclear weapon ambitions further clouds efforts to bring a diplomatic resolution to the nuclear crisis gripping the Korean peninsula.

10. She pointed out that the price increase applies to all overseas and mainland tourists, who will pay 20 percent more for weekday admission starting next Monday.

admission to是什么意思

1. admission to的近义词

1. VC7.1 prepared by the use of a direct admission to the task bar upload download software.


2. Class large enough to use the money to buy equipment, books, or direct admission RMB equipment, to close the book, OK, and

3. Insulation within walls forms a battier to the admission of the sun's heat so the direct admission of

4. Graduates in the High School program are issued a diploma by the Ministry of Education. They then enter the University program, or apply for direct admission to university.

5. No one likes to make a direct admission but, secretly, shaving one`s legs has an 9 aesthetic dimension: it is simply how the racing cyclist should look.

6. The route they take to do this will depend on whether they apply for direct admission from Grade 12, for admission by post-secondary transfer, or for admission as an International Student.
如果高三英文的成绩未达 70分以上但在60分以上的话,要有LPI作文达到 4-5分的程度,另外加上 C级以上成绩的基本写作技巧。

7. Traffic management is combination functions used to police and control the cell stream on the virtual connection in ATM networks, including connection admission control, usage parameters control, traffic shaping, frame discard, priority control and Available Bit Service flow control.

8. Calm after admission in patients with 5 min, and opening up two intravenous access, an arm vein for the transfusion medicine, another elbow vein for blood samples from time to time.
患者入室后平静5 min,开放两条静脉通路,一条手臂静脉用于输药,另一条肘静脉用于定时采血标本。

9. Each applicant may only apply for admission to either the Enrolled Nurse training programme or the Enrolled Nurse training programme.

10. I understand that this information will be used for processing my application for admission to the enrolled nurse training programme and that any misrepresentation may lead to disqualification

11. I understand that this information will be used for processing my application for admission to the enrolled nurse training programme and that any misrepresentation may lead to disqualification of my application for admission and cancellation of subsequent enrolment.

12. admission to的反义词

12. She sent the good news to her family as soon as she got her letter of admission.

13. I take this opportunity to recommend her very strongly for admission to your university on her outstanding merit.

14. So far, customers, the successful development and production of the labels automatically stripping machines, automatic labeling machine, the machine automatically linked to spring, spring-hook automatic admission (spring and the electroplating industry), the switch automatically riveting feet, automatic-manual machine, iron The automatic Jiaosai and shrapnel into the machines, automatic precision tapping machines, automatic drilling machines, automatic lock screw machine, copper punching machines, automatic machine PCB Board, PCBA testing machine, the CD automatically chain, automatic water brush Machines, various electronic components shear pin Forming/Points machine, various types of vibration disk, the electronics industry with automatic transformer Dianjiao Ji, Winder, terminal connector molding/assembly machine, contact riveting machine, with cutting machines, special features/Testing machine, various sections of pressing machine, film-paste, all kinds of assembly lines and assembly lines, with governance, fixture and other automated equipment to good quality and service has won the trust of many customers.

15. On the simulation platform, Call Admission Control of traffic management policy was used to monitor the situation of traffic congestion in order to prevent the system from collapse and overload caused by concurrent large sign in.

16. According to Bourne the plate also operates the admission and exhaust valves.

17. Undergraduate business majors from non-AACSB International accredited institutions can petition the MBA Admissions Committee for admission to the 11-month program.

18. Make any admission or settle any claim by or against the Principal, or pledge the credit of the Principal, or give any warranty or make any representation on behalf of the Principal, or commit the Principal to any obligation or liability of any kind; or

19. admission to什么意思

19. Even though the admission eligibility varies from business schools to business schools, but in general you to pass a bachelor`s degree from a recognized university, good communication skill in English and some work experience is good to have.

20. admission to的解释

20. As a gesture of good will the organizers have decided not to charge for admission on the first and second days.

  • 临近词
The chairman suffered the indignity of being refused admission to the meeting.(主席蒙受了被拒于会议之外的侮辱。)
Admission to the lecture is free.(讲座免费入场。)
Born at Aosta in Burgundy, Anselm was a pious child and sought admission to the monastic life at the early age of 15.(安瑟伦出生在奥斯塔的勃艮第。15岁时他是个虔诚的孩子,一心向往修道院的生活。)
But no one is getting this medicine unless they're really sick and in need of admission to the hospital or those more at risk.(但是除非那些病情严重需要住院的人或者有较高风险的人群,其他都不给开这种药。)
It involved Allan Bakke, who believed he had been refused admission to a University of California medical school because he was white.(该法案波及到一位名叫艾伦·贝克的人,艾伦·贝克认为加州大学医学院拒绝了他的入学申请,是因为他是一名白人。)
Price stability is one of the main criteria for admission to the euro club.(价格稳定是加入欧元“俱乐部”的主要标准。)
Last year the country won admission to the World Trade Organisation.(去年,它获准加入了世界贸易组织。)
The city of Nanjing is offering coupons worth some $3 million for package tours or discounted admission to scenic spots.(南京市发放了价值约为300万美元的景区套票或门票折扣券。)
I have an admission to make: I can't say "no" when a cute kid from the neighborhood comes around selling coupon books and discount CARDS.(我要承认:当小区里的一个可爱的小孩四处兜售优惠券册子和折扣卡时,我无法拒绝他。)
While it was once a shameful admission to have a convict ancestor, today it is more likely to be seen as a badge of honour.(以往,要承认自家先人犯过罪纵然是一件丑事,但在今天则有可能被视为一种褒奖。)
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